Midjourney Ultimate Beginner’s Guide

Follow this step-by-step guide to Becoming an amazing AI Art Creator!

Christie C.


Creative globe generated with Mid Journey
Image generated with Mid Journey

Midjourney’s AI Art Generative Tool is a revolutionary and powerful AI tool that unleashes your creativity and helps you generate beautiful visuals with the help of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Midjourney is made with a user-friendly interface on Discord, making it perfect for unleashing your creative spark while saving tons of time spent on manual design work.

Here is a quick guide to get you started. Be sure to read till the end for the bonus tip and a free to download guide.

Quickstep to get started

Step 1. Join the Midjourney Channel on Discord

Mid Journey Homepage
Mid Journey

Midjourney differs from other AI solutions by allowing you to access the software through Discord, a chat forum-style app.

Visit Midjourney.com and join the Beta or alternatively, hop over directly to the Midjourney Discord. It’s totally free.

Step 2. Find a #Newbies or #General Channel

Once you are in the MidJourney channel. Look for any #newbies or # general channels on the side panel. There are different newcomer rooms and you can view all the artworks created by the users including yours.

Alternatively, you can also set up your own server to keep your work to yourself.

Step 3. Quick Generation

Interact with the Midjourney Bot on Discord using commands. Commands are used to create images, customize settings, track user info, and perform other helpful functions.

In order to create images in Midjourney, we need to input a prompt followed by the command “/imagine”.

Command for image generation: /imagine prompt
The command for image generation: /imagine prompt

Steps to generate an image

  1. Use /imagine to generate an image

2. Type in words that describe the image you want to create, you can type a general description or be more specific adding styles and details.

3. Click return and wait for the result

Step 4: Accept the Terms Of Service

Before generating any images, the Midjourney Bot will prompt you to accept the Terms Of Service. You must agree to these terms to proceed with image creation.

Midjourney Ultimate Beginner’s Guide, accept the terms

Step 5. Midjourney will process the job

Midjourney Bot will generate four amazing options for you to explore in a minute!

Example: /imagine prompt: A cute puppy

Midjourney Ultimate Beginner’s Guide

Step 6. Upscale or Create Variations

After the grid of images is ready, two rows of buttons become visible — providing you with even more control:

  • U buttons: upscale the size of the image
  • V buttons — slight variations of a chosen grid image.

The numbers 1–4 represent images coming from the top left clockwise

  • The 🔄 (re-roll): reruns a Job. It reruns the prompt and you’ll get a whole new grid of images!

Step 7: Create Variations or Expand Your Images

After applying an upscale, you will find different options for making variations and expanding your image.

  • Vary ( Strong & Subtle): Create a stronger or subtle variation of your selected image, generating a new grid of four options.
  • Panning: Extend your image in four different directions ⬅️ ➡️ ⬆️ ⬇️
  • Zoom Out (🔍 Zoom Out 2x 🔍 Zoom Out 1.5x 🔍 Custom Zoom): Gives users the ability to broaden the perspective of any image. The newly expanded canvas will be filled-in using guidance from the prompt and the original image.
  • Web: Open the image in your gallery on Midjourney.com
  • Favorite: tag your best images to easily find them on the Midjourney website.

Step 8: Save Your Image

Just click on the image to open it and then right-click to save. Or, if you’re using mobile, long tap the image and you’ll see a download icon in the top right corner. Easy peasy!

Ultimate Beginner’s guide to Midjourney

Advanced Prompts

Image Prompt: Use images to impact a Job’s composition, style, and colors. Combine image prompts with text prompts for varied outcomes.

Permutation Prompts: Generate prompt variations with a single command. Use lists of options separated with commas , within curly braces { } to create different combinations.

Basic Commands

Here is also a list of the basic commands that you may want to check out as well.

  • /describe: Generates 4 prompts based on an uploaded image.
  • /fast & /relax: Switch to Fast or Relax mode
  • /remix: Toggle Remix mode. Utilize Remix Mode to modify prompts, parameters, model versions, or aspect ratios across variations, panning and zooming.
  • /show: Let you recover a previous job from its Job ID
  • /subscribe: Link you to your subscription plan
  • /stealth & /public: Subscribers to the Pro Plan have access to Stealth Mode to prevent their images from being visible to others
  • /settings: Provides buttons for switching version, style, quality and upscale versions.
  • /shorten: Analyze a prompt and return shorter prompts.

If you need help, try these commands:

  • /ask: Get an answer to a question.
  • /help: Shows helpful basic information and tips
  • /info: Show information about your account and usage.

I have also prepared a beginner’s guide in PDF format with more detailed instructions. It is free to download on Gumroad!

The Midjourney beginner’s guide

After downloading it, I would appreciate it if you could give it a 5-star rating. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

👉🏻 Next Step

Let me know if you need any clarification on using Midjourney. The quick start guide covers the basic workflow, but there are additional advanced features as well.

Learn more advanced commands and features whenever you are ready.

Subscription Plan

Midjourney offers three subscription tiers: monthly and annual. Opting for the annual subscription gives you a 20% discount. All subscription plans provide access to the Midjourney member gallery, the official Discord, general commercial usage terms, and additional benefits.

Midjourney subscription plan

How to Subscribe

Use the /subscribe command to generate a personal link to the subscription page or head over to: https://www.midjourney.com/account/

Monthly Renewal

  • Unused monthly Fast GPU time does not roll over.
  • Fast mode is automatically reactivated when the subscription renews.

Hi👋 I am Christie — a multimedia designer and AI fanatic.😊

I hope you found value in this article on tapping into AI or unlimited creativity. If you’re craving more insider tips, prompts and tricks for tools like Midjourney, I’d love for you to join me on this journey.

🎨 Hit that “Follow” button to stay in the loop for more AI wisdom
💌 Stay tuned for future updates

Let’s explore the limitless possibilities of AI together. The future awaits. Let’s seize it! 🚀

Now you have learned how to get started, check out the following articles for crafting a perfect prompt:

Incredible Midjourney Prompt and Tricks

For your convenience, I have categorized and structured my Midjourney prompt articles, providing visual examples, helpful tips, and tricks to assist you in crafting breathtaking images.

Christie’s Midjourney AI Art Tips 🎨

100 stories



🎨 AI Art Creator, Educator & Designer | 5 x Top Writer | Prompt, Tips & Turotial ❤️👉🏻 https://bit.ly/mastermidjourney