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Youtube Channels & Podcasts for UX Researchers


A list of channels to inspire you and grow your knowledge with content creators in the UX research field.

YouTube channels and podcasts for designers

UX researchers have created YouTube channels and podcasts to share their knowledge and experiences in the industry.

Here’s a list of channels to check out.


“Hi! I am Aona. I am a UX Researcher living in California, and I make educational videos about UX Research, UX career tips, and occasionally vlog about my life in San Francisco.” — Aona Yang is a Sr. UX researcher at Google.

UX Quests

“I started this channel when a global pandemic changed everything. I decided to just hit that “record button” and embark on a quest to explore the realm of UX. So here I am, and here’s what I want to do…




Published in Bootcamp

From idea to product, one lesson at a time. To submit your story:

Rich Lam
Rich Lam

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