What should I learn first, UI design or UX design?

Abdul Khaleque
Published in
2 min readMay 27, 2022


There’s no easy answer when it comes to deciding which skill to learn first — user interface (UI) design or user experience (UX) design. Both are important for creating successful digital products, and both require different skills and knowledge.

However, if you’re trying to decide which one to focus on first, here are a few things to consider:

UI design is more about the aesthetics of a product, whereas UX design is more about how the product works and how users interact with it.

UI design is about making sure the product looks and feels good, whereas UX design is about making sure the product is effective and easy to use.

UI design is focused on the visual elements of a product, such as buttons, text, and icons, whereas UX design is focused on the overall user experience.

UI design is important for making a product look good and appealing to users, whereas UX design is important for making sure the product is effective and easy to use.

So, which skill should you learn first?

If you’re interested in making sure your products look good and are appealing to users, then you should focus on learning UI design first. If you’re more interested in making sure your products are effective and easy to use, then you should focus on learning UX design first.

Read my other articles:
10 things you have to learn if you want to be a UI/UX designer
Top 10 time-saving techniques for UI/UX Designer
Top 10 effective ways of marketing for UI/UX designer
Top 10 techniques which most UI/UX designers ignore

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