Video meetings at work can be 100x better

Akash Mukherjee
Published in
2 min readJan 12, 2023


Image Credit: Gabriel Benois on Unsplash

Zoom and Google Meet are incrementally better than their predecessors, but there’s a 100x opportunity when you apply AI and some common sense.

What if there was a better future:

1. Lookup People’s Information

Imagine you’re in a meeting with people you’ve never met before. As soon as they introduce themselves, you pull up their information — their function, their reporting chain, and whether you’ve met them before in another meeting.

Amazon Prime Video X-Ray already does that for TV shows!

Yet, we find ourselves scrambling through siloed internal tools such as member directories.

2️. AI Note Taker & Action-item Assistant

Why doesn’t this still exist in 2023?

A note-taker used to be a full-time job. Now that freshers have better things to work on, we’ve removed the job of a note-taker without finding a good alternative for it.

As a meeting leader, taking notes, writing action items, and scheduling follow-up meetings on the calendar can be distracting.

Why can’t AI take care of that for us?

3. Live Q&A Chatbot

How many times have we all asked the presenter, “Hey, I just joined the meeting, can you share that link again?” and “Oh, I don’t have access, I just requested access.”

And then the presenter has to respond, “oh yeah, look for the agenda on the invite, the doc should be linked there.”

Such a colossal waste of time for everyone in that meeting.

Imagine a chatbot that proactively and reactively shares context, agenda, links, and relevant information with all meeting attendees and summarizes relevant insights for a given team from the attached pre-reads.

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