UX Research — Hotel booking experience — Survey report
{Part 2}
My research continues with an online survey to propose to friends and acquaintances who generally use the web to book their trips and the place where they will stay.

The survey was created with Google Forms and the participants were 18 people.
In order to create a valid product for my client who has to enter a competitive market, I created an online survey to understand my target. The first two questions are those related to age and how often people tend to travel during the year.
Even if the questions seem rather trivial, they would help in the marketing and storytelling phase to launch a product that speaks with the same ‘tone of voice’ as users.

The first question were answered with:
- A majority of 77.8% of respondents between 26 and 35;
- The 16.7% of those between 36 and 55;
- The 44.4% of the time the participants travel at least 1 or 2 times a year;
- The 22.2% between 2 and 3 times a year;
- The 22.2% more than 4 times a year.
What follows from my first two questions is that they are a relatively young audience and that they travel at least once or twice a year.
The third question in the survey asked how long in advance the travelers plan the trip. The most relevant results are 38.9% planning at least one month in advance and 33.3% planning at least 2 weeks in advance on their trip.

The information obtained so far states that the average traveler in my survey is young, travels a lot and probably remains flexible enough on the timing of booking a room based on the duration of the trip and where he wants to go, observing the price trend.

Continuing with the research, I asked where (social media or websites) the respondents tend to do research to find information/inspiration on the next trip.
Skyscanner (where people can compare hotel prices as well as flight prices) and travel blogs got the majority, albeit minimal, with 3 responses each. However, according to the results, Wizz Air, Instagram, Google, Airbnb, Tripadvisor are also consulted.
What has emerged so far is that the interviewees of my survey are looking for a good quality / price ratio, observing content from travel enthusiasts who create communities and inspire other travelers by offering their life experiences and sharing their travels through social networks (Travel blogger & Instagram), reviews (TripAdvisor), affordable prices for accommodation (Airbnb, Skyscanner, Wizz Air, Google).
With the next, I asked with whom, the traveler travels more often. The result showed 55.6% (10 responses) for those who choose to travel with friends and 50% (9 responses) for those traveling alone.

Deciding who to travel with also somehow changes the type of optional requests (by the tourist) when booking the accommodation, but also the prices (by the hotel owners).
In fact, discounts are generally applied to travelers in groups.
At this point in the survey, I started asking what the accommodation preferences were.
The question has multiple choice and immediately shows a preference for budget friendly accommodation and B&Bs, both with 10 answers each (55.6%).

What are the reasons for traveling, the interviewees replied with:
- The discovery of new horizons, 50%;
- The need to escape from everyday life, 44,4%;
- The need to learn new things, 38,9%.
Up to now the results obtained show the tendency to look for an accommodation in which the traveler feels comfortable and who can relax and a place to learn new things.
The next question asks what are the most important things when traveling and booking the room (there was no limitation on the number of choices).

From the number of answers to this question it can be deduced that the traveler generally does not spend all his time in the room, but that he/she is looking for a welcoming place to stay.
The traveler needs free internet access and has as a preference hotels/ appartments that are well located in the city, perhaps with metro / bus stations nearby and with restaurants / supermarkets scattered around the structure in case of need.
With 50% of the answers, breakfast included and flexible check in/check out are among the major needs.
Other needs to be considered: non-smoking rooms, better view (terrace) and cancellation policy.
During the booking phase of a trip it is also necessary to take into account what are the activities that can be done during the trip.
Those listed in the next question are generally activities that can be organized by the structure itself and proposed to the traveler when booking online or directly at the hotel.

It is interesting to note that 77.8% of the answers are for cultural and gastronomic activities.
This is indeed a form of tourism on the rise in which the tourist comes into full contact with the reality of the place and takes part in a life experience that enriches him/her.
The owners of many hotels, particularly in southern Europe, specialize in this type of tourism. They offer different solutions that enhance and lead to the rediscovery of the culture and art of the place and bringing the tourist to have a well-rounded experience.
Immediately after with 55.6% of answers there are activities in nature and adventures and with 50% activities related to shopping.
Of course no less important are the beach activities and relaxation, 44,4%.

This result underlines how the participants are looking for a place to feel comfortable and to be able to dedicate themselves to new activities.
But what are their most important needs?

Of course Quality and comfort (72,2%) and Security (61,1%).
Security in the hotel could be:
- Modern electronic guest room locks;
- Smoke detectors;
- Elevators that directly access guest floors;
- Around the hotel / car park should be well lit;
- Security cameras.

The 83.3% of the participants did not subscribe to a newsletter.
However, newsletters are important for a hotel business because they communicate presence of the brand.
With a careful study of the target and being able to understand what people are really interested in, through the Newsletter, a hotel business can:
- communicate with customers and reach new ones;
- always keeping the public updated;
- encouraging people to take advantage of offers /promotions dedicated to them;
- build valuable relationships with customers.

During their travels, most participants (88,9%) have access to free WiFi.

Instagram (8 answers) and Facebook (4 answers) are the most used social media for sharing travel photos.
Social Networks are also promotional tools.
In fact, before we traveled to unplug, today we travel to tell stories!
Photos and reviews are important to anyone looking to book accommodation. People trust the judgment of others and any business needs good and truthful reviews.
However, the 55,6% (10 answers) declare that they do not post anything on social networks.

- Most of the survey respondents confirmed that they were able to book a room and said they were satisfied.
- Some partecipants did not answer the question related to the problems encountered during the booking accommodation.
- Some encountered problems related to the real condition of the room and increased prices on the web platforms.

Regarding this question, the answers that could help me create a good product are:
- Help the user to understand the real availability of the room by preventing him/her from proceeding with the reservation if the room is not available;
- Describe in a clear and user-friendly way the activities, features and amenities proposed;
- More photos;
- Appealing User Interface (UI);
- Less pop ups about Covid19;
- Less annoying pop ups;

The UX research continues…
Thank you for reading! 🙏