Understanding mental models in UI/UX design
Think about the first thing you do when you pick up a new mobile phone or click on a new website. Do you have a certain expectation when you swipe across the mobile screen?
If you answered yes, that means you have a mental model of how those user interfaces work. So, now let’s understand more about mental models and their role in UI/UX design.
What are Mental Models?
Although mental models might sound like some complicated psychological concept, the truth is, they’re actually quite simple, people learn from past experiences and apply that knowledge to whatever task they encounter. It doesn’t have to be technically correct for it to benefit the user.
In short, a mental model is someone’s current grip on events, their perception of reality, and of how something works.
Matching user’s Mental Model.
Now, when the user’s mental models are formed by their past experiences of viewing and using websites or apps that aren’t their own. They have come to your website with an understanding of the average website they’ve used. Then how can you match their mental model?
You can do this by designing the elements in your UI design and Information Architecture of your site in a way that fits their mental model, then they’ll have no problem navigating your site and finding what they need.
Mixed-up Mental Models in real life.
There are many scenarios in our daily use of apps and websites where we use some feature in a way it was not supposed to be used.

One familiar example of a confused mental model is the Google search engine search feature. Some users are unable to distinguish between the search field on Google.com and URL entry field in a browser. Users will often search for the name of a well-known website and then click the link rather than simply entering a site’s URL (even without the “www” and “.com” wrapping) in the URL bar.
I myself am guilty of doing this a million times. So can we improve upon these mixed-up mental models?
How to improve misaligned Mental Models?
UX designers have many tools in their quiver, out of which they can use usability testing and UX research methodologies to help prevent misaligned mental models. Designers can also focus on interactive tours, discovering the user base through user personas, mirroring big sites, and real-time feedback to improve misaligned mental models.
One of the reasons that UX design exists is to cater to people's mental models and help them carry out tasks with the best experience possible. Designers should always strive to improve designs while continuing to keep them in line with existing mental models.
And…Let’s wrap!
So that’s pretty much it. This is my first attempt to share my learnings in the form of a blog. Hopefully, you found this article helpful and insightful. Do reach out to me if you would like to share anything with me. And please hit the clap button.😃