UX strategy for Multiple Age groups — Example Used Instagram App

Ajitsing P.
Published in
2 min readJan 8, 2023


The following UX Strategy might be used by apps like Instagram, Facebook, Youtube and such in future.

This is a UX idea. What all these apps have in common is they have a very large user base. It has been increasingly difficult for these apps to give a meaningful user experience to all their user base with different age groups.

I have proposed here an example of Multiple UX Strategy that eventually could be used by these apps to cater user experience for various age groups in the single app.

I have used Instagram as example to demonstrate this UX strategy. See below.

Wireframe — Masking UX example with Instagram App for different age groups

Technical implications

This UX strategy idea requires that the app has multiple UI experience built into the app and these UI experiences be built for various age groups. The various user groups to be provided option to choose their age group UX at the time of installation and encouraged to use their age group UX.

The elements of the UI elements will be same and reused so the app size will not drastically increase.

What can be achieved with this approach

Apps can find an answer to the scrutiny of these apps for being too pervasive for young teenage users and these users using these apps beyond their healthy capacity.

This strategy gives the apps a new opportunity to invent and provide new features for specific age groups and for their usage pattern.

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