SCAMPER: The game changer for unique product design 🔥💪

Samuel Allotey
Published in
3 min readJan 17, 2023


In today’s fast-paced and highly competitive business environment, it’s more important than ever to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to product and service design. One powerful tool for generating innovative ideas is the SCAMPER method.

SCAMPER is an acronym that stands for seven different types of questions, each of which can help you think creatively about how to improve existing products, services, problems, and ideas. The seven questions that make up the SCAMPER method are: Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify (also Magnify and Minify), Put to another use, Eliminate, and Reverse.

By asking yourself these questions, you can challenge the status quo and explore new possibilities for your designs. For example, you might ask yourself, “What if we substituted one component of our product with something else?” or “What if we combined our product with another product or service?” Asking these types of questions can help you think about your product or service in new ways and identify opportunities for innovation.

Another powerful aspect of the SCAMPER method is that it encourages lateral thinking. Instead of thinking about how to solve a problem or improve a product in the same way as everyone else, you can use the SCAMPER method to explore new and unconventional ideas.


The Substitute question is where you ask yourself what if we swapped out one component of our product with something else, like using a touch screen instead of traditional buttons on a home appliance. This can help you to think about your product in a new way and identify opportunities for innovation.


The Combine question is where you take two totally unrelated things and smash them together to create something new, like a phone case that also serves as a wallet. This can help you to think creatively and come up with unique ideas.


The Adapt question is where you take an existing product or service and modify it to suit a different use or audience, like a backpack that also functions as a portable charger. This can help you to identify opportunities for diversifying your product or service.


The Modify question is where you change the size or shape of a product, like a foldable bicycle. This can help you to think about the portability and storage of your product in a new way.

Put to another use

The Put to another use question is where you find a new use for an existing product, like using a tablet as a digital photo frame. This can help you to think creatively and come up with new ways to use technology in your home or office.


The Eliminate question is where you get rid of unnecessary features or components, like a toaster that only has one function — toasting. This can help you to simplify your product and make it more user-friendly.


The Reverse question is where you take an existing product or service and turn it upside down or inside out, like a smartphone with a foldable screen that can be used as both a tablet and a phone. This can help you to think about your product or service in a new way and come up with unique ideas.

It’s important to note that the SCAMPER method is not a one-time exercise. It’s a continuous process that requires repeated application to generate new and creative ideas. By using the SCAMPER method, you can foster a culture of innovation in your organization and stay ahead of the competition.

In conclusion, the SCAMPER method is a powerful tool for generating innovative ideas for new products and services. It encourages lateral thinking and challenges the status quo by asking seven different types of questions. By using the SCAMPER method, you can keep your designs fresh, unique and stay ahead of the competition. So, shake things up and have some fun, You might just surprise yourself!



Award-winning product designer specializing in HCI, eCommerce, Fintech and design systems for startups.