Rem vs Px vs Em: Choosing The Right Unit For Web Development.

Divesh Chauhan
Published in
3 min readJul 20, 2023


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When developing websites, one of the critical decisions a developer must make is choosing the appropriate unit of measurement for sizing elements, fonts, and other design properties. In the world of web development, three popular units frequently come into play: Rem, Px, and Em. Each unit has its unique features and use cases, and understanding their differences is crucial for creating flexible, responsive, and accessible designs. In this blog post, we will explore the characteristics of Rem, Px, and Em and guide you on when and how to use each unit effectively.

Pixel (Px)

Pixel, commonly abbreviated as Px, is the most traditional unit of measurement used in web development. A pixel represents a single dot on a screen, and it is an absolute unit. This means that one pixel will always equal one physical pixel on the screen. Here are some key points to consider when using pixels:


  • Pixel values provide precise control over element sizes and positioning.
  • Suitable for non-scaling elements like borders, shadows, and fixed-size images.


  • Pixels are not scalable and do not change with the user’s settings, such as font size preferences.
  • Fixed pixel values can lead to layouts that are less adaptable and responsive across various devices and screen sizes.

Root EM (Rem)

Root EM, or simply Rem, is a relative unit of measurement that is tied to the root HTML element (typically the <html> tag) font size. Unlike pixels, Rem values are scalable, making them ideal for creating responsive designs. Here’s what you need to know about using Rem:


  • Rem values adapt automatically based on the root font size, making them responsive to changes in device viewport and user preferences.
  • Recommended for font sizes and other elements where scalability and responsiveness are desired.
  • Consistency in scaling across the entire document when using Rem units.


  • Requires setting a base font size for the root element, which may lead to inconsistencies if not managed properly.

Em (Relative EM)

Em is another relative unit of measurement, similar to Rem. However, unlike Rem, Em units are relative to the font size of the parent element. Here are the key points regarding the usage of Em:


  • Em values are scalable and adapt to the parent element’s font size, providing flexibility in design.
  • Suitable for making minor adjustments within a specific section of a document without affecting other parts.


  • Nested Em units can become challenging to manage and may lead to compounding effects, making it harder to predict element sizes.

Choosing the Right Unit for Your Project:

Now that we have a clear understanding of Rem, Px, and Em, the question remains: which unit is the best fit for your project? The answer largely depends on the specific design requirements and responsiveness goals.

Use Px when:

  • Working with non-scaling elements, like fixed-size images or precise borders and shadows.
  • Absolute control over element sizes is necessary, regardless of the user’s settings or viewport size.

Use Rem when:

  • Creating responsive designs that adjust seamlessly to different devices and user preferences.
  • Applying consistent scaling across the entire document and maintaining accessibility.

Use Em when:

  • Making minor adjustments within a specific section without affecting the rest of the document.
  • Needing a relative unit that adapts to the parent element’s font size.


In conclusion, choosing the right unit of measurement in web development is a crucial aspect of building modern, flexible, and responsive websites. Pixels (Px) provide absolute control but lack responsiveness, whereas Root EM (Rem) and Relative EM (Em) offer scalability and adaptability. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of Rem, Px, and Em, you can make informed decisions based on your project’s requirements and design objectives. Combining these units effectively can lead to a harmonious and user-friendly web experience for all your visitors. Happy coding!

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UI/UX Designer - Writing about topics while sharing my experiences and discoveries along the way.