Portfolio vs Product Roadmaps: When and How To Use Them

andrea saez


As a product manager, you are responsible for guiding the development and growth of your product against a solid vision and strategy. A good way of communicating the direction of your product, as well as potential plans as to how you might be able to deliver against said strategy, is through a product roadmap. Roadmaps are high-level documents that outline the goals and plans for your product and serve as a powerful communication and planning tool for your team and stakeholders.

There are two main types of roadmaps that product managers can use: portfolio roadmaps and product roadmaps. It is important to know the differences between them, as well as when and how to use both together (and separately!)

Let’s dig right in.

Product roadmaps

A product roadmap is a document of intent, direction, and influence. Not to be confused with a timeline of planned features and releases, a roadmap outlines the high-level objectives and goals for your initiatives, which represent problems you are looking to solve. By providing your team with an understanding of the goals and plans for the product, team members can work together effectively to achieve these goals.

Product roadmaps are also great for communicating with stakeholders, including investors…




Published in Bootcamp

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andrea saez
andrea saez

Written by andrea saez

Product Thinker 🤔 | Creative 🖋️ | Asker of many questions | www.dreasaez.com

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