Overcoming the fear of job displacement: How to use AI to enhance your career and empower humans

Understanding the benefits and limitations of AI in the workplace.

Parhum Khoshbakht


Artificial intelligence is becoming more prevalent in many industries, with applications ranging from data analysis to content generation. As AI continues to advance, there is concern about its impact on jobs and the future of work. Some fear that it will replace human workers, while others see it as a way to enhance human productivity and efficiency.

I recently had a conversation with ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI, to discuss the values of human and AI in the workplace. Through this conversation, I was able to understand my own values as a human being and identify a learning path for myself in order to prevent the potential loss of my job due to the development of AI technologies.

Through this conversation, I gained a better understanding of my own values as a human being and identified ways I can continue learning and growing in order to stay competitive in the job market, even in the face of advancements in artificial intelligence.

In this conversation, we explored the question of “how the role of a copywriter might change” in the future, given the increasing use of artificial intelligence in the workplace. We also discussed the unique skills and abilities that humans bring to the table, and how we can use AI in a way that enhances our work and helps us to avoid job displacement.

A person sitting at a desk in front of a computer talking to an AI assistant on a screen.

In below I want to mentions most important parts of our conversation and If you’d like to read the full interview, it can be found at the end of the article.

Artificial intelligence capabilities and weaknesses:

While AI is good at some tasks, it is not as good at others. For example, AI is typically better at analyzing large amounts of data and performing repetitive tasks quickly and accurately. However, it is typically weaker at tasks that require creativity, judgment, empathy, or social interaction.

  1. Creativity involves generating new and innovative ideas, and combining existing ideas in novel ways.
  2. Judgment means making decisions based on incomplete or ambiguous information, and evaluating the risks and consequences of different courses of action.
  3. Empathy involves understanding and sharing the feelings of others.
  4. Social interaction is about communicating and collaborating with others in an effective and appropriate way.

Additionally, AI lacks the ability to take responsibility for its actions in the same way that humans can. It is important to consider these limitations when deciding how to use AI in the workplace.

Using AI to boost your job performance

To get the most out of artificial intelligence (AI) and other advanced technologies, it’s important to use them in a way that enhances human capabilities rather than replacing them. By seeing these technologies as tools that can help us do our jobs better, rather than as a threat to our jobs, we can use them to achieve greater success and productivity. It’s important to use these technologies wisely and responsibly.

These technologies can perform tasks that are difficult or time-consuming for humans, and they can also help us make better decisions by analyzing and processing large amounts of data.

Copywriter success with AI assistance

As an example we talked about copywriting role in the future:

By using an AI-powered tool, the copywriter is able to save time and effort by relying on the tool to suggest content ideas and analyze results. This frees up the copywriter to focus on other aspects of the campaign, such as developing the overall strategy and creating engaging and persuasive content. The AI-powered tool helps the copywriter to be more efficient and productive, allowing them to potentially take on more clients or projects and increase their income.

  • An AI-powered tool can help a copywriter with certain tasks in an email marketing campaign, such as suggesting content ideas and analyzing results.
  • The copywriter’s role is to create the content of the emails and develop the overall strategy for the campaign.
  • The copywriter brings their human skills, such as understanding the client’s needs and crafting persuasive messages, to the process.
  • The AI-powered tool is a helpful tool but cannot replicate the copywriter’s human skills.
  • The copywriter is an essential part of the process, using their expertise to create effective marketing content. The AI-powered tool helps them to be more efficient and productive.

Adapting to AI for Career Success

To avoid job displacement, it is important for humans to stay up-to-date with advancements in AI and other advanced technologies, as well as to develop skills that complement those of AI. This may require some training and education in the use of AI technologies. It is also important to use these technologies in a way that enhances, rather than replaces, human jobs. Some specific steps to consider include:

  • Staying informed about the latest developments in AI and related fields
  • Focusing on skills that require creativity, judgment, empathy, or social interaction
  • Learning how to use AI technologies effectively
  • Use AI technologies to enhance your job and make it more productive, rather than viewing them as a threat.
  • By following these steps, humans can effectively adapt to the changing technological landscape and use AI technologies to their advantage.
  • Be aware of the limitations of AI, including its inability to exhibit creativity, judgment, empathy, social interaction, and responsibility in the same way that humans can.

In conclusion

In conclusion, it is important to stay up-to-date on the latest advancements in AI and other advanced technologies, and to develop skills that complement those of AI. By doing so, humans can use these technologies to enhance their careers and avoid job displacement. It is also important to recognize the limitations of AI and to use it in a way that enhances, rather than replaces, human jobs. Through our conversation with ChatGPT, we gained insight into the values that humans bring to the workplace and identified ways we can continue learning and growing in order to stay competitive in the job market. Read full conversation here.

