“Best Practices for Designing Effective Navigation Menus” (with examples)

Published in
5 min readJan 24, 2023


Img source : https://boagworld.com/design/secondary-navigation/

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Navigation menus are a crucial element of any website or app, as they allow users to quickly and easily find the content they are looking for. As a UI/UX designer, I understand the importance of designing an effective navigation menu. Not only does it need to be visually appealing, but it also needs to be intuitive and user-friendly. Through my research, I have come across several best practices that can help improve the navigation menu design.

  1. Keep it simple and uncluttered: A cluttered navigation menu can be overwhelming and confusing for users. To avoid this, it is essential to keep the navigation menu simple and uncluttered. Use clear labels and group related items together. For example, on an e-commerce website, items like “men’s clothing,” “women’s clothing,” “children’s clothing,” and “accessories” can be grouped under the “Shop” menu, this way the users can easily find the products they are looking for.
As observed on myntra.com, the navigation menu has a clear and organized layout, featuring distinct labels and grouping of similar items.
As observed on myntra.com, the navigation menu has a clear and organized layout, featuring distinct labels and grouping of similar items. Source : https://www.myntra.com

2. Consistency is key: Consistency is crucial when it comes to navigation menus. The navigation menu should be consistent across all pages of the website or app, so that users can easily find their way around. This includes using the same layout, labels, and icons on every page. Consistency helps users to become familiar with the website or app and improves their overall experience. For example, on a website, the navigation menu should be in the same location on every page, on the top of the page, and should have the same items on every page, this way the users can easily find the information they are looking for.

“The Nashville Zoo’s website has a “Support” option in its main navigation menu, which reveals a sub-menu with links to donate, careers, volunteer and other pages.”
https://blog.hubspot.com/website/main-website-navigation-ht img source : https://blog.hubspot.com/website/main-website-navigation-ht

3. Prioritize the most important items: When designing the navigation menu, it is important to prioritize the most important items. The items that users are most likely to use should be placed at the top of the menu, such as the home page, contact us, and search. This improves the user experience by making it easy for users to access the most important information or features. For example, on a news website, the main navigation menu should have “Home,” “News,” “Sports,” “Entertainment,” and “Opinion” as the top items, this way the users can access the most important and relevant information easily.

“In the screenshot shown, the navigation menu is kept minimalistic, with only the most important elements prioritized.”
In the screentshot shown, the navigation menu is kept minimlistic, with only the most important elements prioritized. Img source : https://kinsta.com/mykinsta/

4. Use hover states and active states: Hover states and active states are a great way to show users where they are on the website or app. This allows users to quickly see where they are in the navigation menu and how to get back to other pages. It also helps users to understand the website or app’s structure and improves the overall user experience. For example, when a user hovers over a menu item on a website, the background color of the menu item should change to blue, indicating that it is a clickable item, this way the users can easily identify the active page.

“Sephora offers a wide variety of products and services, and its website features a user-friendly navigation system. By hovering over the primary links, a detailed dropdown menu appears, displaying all categories within that section of the site.”
“Sephora offers a wide variety of products and services, and its website features a user-friendly navigation system. By hovering over the primary links, a detailed dropdown menu appears, displaying all categories within that section of the site.” Source : https://blog.hubspot.com/website/main-website-navigation-ht

5. Test it out: Before launching the website or app, it is important to test the navigation menu with real users. This will help to identify any issues and make any necessary changes before it’s too late. User testing is a great way to gather feedback and understand how users interact with the navigation menu. For example, you can ask users to find a specific product on your e-commerce website, such as a red dress, and observe how they interact with the navigation menu, this way you can identify any issues and improve the user experience.

It is crucial to test the navigation menu, as well as all other aspects, with real users before releasing a website or app. This allows for identification and resolution of any problems before it becomes too late.” Photo by UX Indonesia on Unsplash
“It is crucial to test the navigation menu, as well as all other aspects, with real users before releasing a website or app. This allows for identification and resolution of any problems before it becomes too late.” Photo by UX Indonesia on Unsplash

By following these best practices, you can create a navigation menu that is user-friendly and intuitive, helping to improve the overall user experience of your website or app. It’s important to remember that the user’s experience and satisfaction should be the main goal when designing a navigation menu, and following these best practices will help you achieve that goal. As a UI/UX designer, I will continue to read articles and research on this subject, in order to stay updated on the latest trends and techniques, and share my findings with the community.

“Thank you for taking the time to read my article on navigation menus and for providing your valuable feedback. I hope you found the information helpful in improving your understanding of the topic. I would be delighted to continue our discussion and learn from your insights in the future.”

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