My Career Transition Story: Overcoming Fear and Resistance.

Have you ever felt like you're working but don’t feel alive? If yes, what will/did you do?
My career story
When I was 19, I started working in the BPO industry as a call center agent. At that time, I thought I was doing okay, cause I’m earning money. Several years later, I realized that my passion lies in creating something that I don’t know yet, but probably designing things and stuff.

Until I get married, had kids, and comes the pandemic. Been in a couple more companies that are related to virtual assistance in different settings like logistics, accounting, retail, and so on. I even had my small business in Graphic Design cause for some reason, I can’t find a job for myself (and I’m not that determined, cause I know that it is not my passion to do other than designing).
I believe that in this part of my life, it is important I was able to recognize and acknowledge the fears, hesitations and resistance that I have my current state.
We have to understand that it is pretty normal to experience apprehension when venturing into the unknown.
Self Reflection
In 2021, I thought that there was no one that will help me figure things out but just me about my career. My small business is doing really great for startups and I’ve had a lot of customers around the area and was even doing online selling for my products until I read about UI/UX design. I got curious. I read a lot of posts about it, watched YouTube, and attended webinars.
I was on the verge of deciding about pursuing my first love which is Web Design (without the coding part) and UI/UX seemed like it was the perfect match that I used to desire way back in college, versus the small business that I have established, plus the offers that I am getting since I have updated my portfolio in LinkedIn, so I was getting offers in being a Graphic Designer.

My takeaway on this part is that you have to take the time to reflect on your skills, interests, values, and passions. Assess what you enjoy doing and what you want from your career to identify potential new paths.
Overcoming Fear and Resistance
I started rejecting offers for an interview as a Graphic Designer cause it requires not just knowledge in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign, but needs Video Editing, Motion Graphics, and Animation, plus unbelievable years of experience. Besides, I have experienced doing Graphic Design for 2 years (in my own way), but I wasn’t really fulfilled and still looking for something else to design.
Then I started asking my closest friends and family about what to do, and what to pick between my mini business career and UX. (Although I know in my heart which one to choose.)
To me, transitioning to a new career involves stepping out of your comfort zone. And the uncertainty of whether the new career will be successful or fulfilling created fear and anxiety. But the more I watch and attend webinars, the more I get fired up.
In total, it cost me 6 months of deciding and thoroughly studying my career path if I chose this course, cause attending Bootcamp and signing an agreement is no joke. I even have to organize my schedule all the time and bought myself a planner, cause at the same time, I was also taking care of my 2 kids.
Good thing in this phase is that, I was able to identify all negative beliefs or self-limiting thoughts that was holding me back. I replaced them with positive affirmations and realistic perspectives that reinforces the ability to succeed in the new career. Prayers helped me a lot, in a way I was able to meditate about the things that I wanted to pursue in my life. And this career change in my late 20’s is a big deal for me.
Challenging myself
So I signed the agreement for the bootcamp, embraced a growth mindset and commit to ongoing learning and personal development. My assignment is to SLAP. 1. study, 2. learn(delve on details) 3. apply, and 4. practice(iterate)
That was a made up abbreviation, since UX has a lot.
I continue with my small business in the morning, doing artsy and stuff with the kids, then I study at night. In the early stage of my bootcamp, I started creating and updating my portfolio. Created blog about my new learnings (hoping it could relate and help other newbies just like me.) Widen my connections in LinkedIn, found myself a buddy in UX, and attend free mentorship in adplist.
I believe that we should pay attention to small details, continue doing small challenges if you can’t make it big, and believe in small steps cause it pays off overtime. Small progress is still a progress.
To be honest, I wasn’t this dedicated in my high school years (nor college). Reason why I belive that UX is my passion. Aside from hustling, I make sure to celebrate even the smallest achievements along the way, no matter how small they may seem. Recognize and appreciate your progress to stay motivated and build momentum.
Looking back
It was 10 years in total, that I was working in a job where I felt like I don’t belong. It’s not the company, not the culture, but the industry itself.
By taking proactive steps and assessment on what you wanted to do is the hardest of them all, addressing fear and resistance is necessary. That way, you can increase your chances of a successful career transition. It is not easy, but with determination, we definitely can.

Thanks for reading my story, hope I was able to relay my thoughts that changing/transitioning careers is a courageous decision, and it’s never too late to pursue a fulfilling and meaningful path.
Love, angel.