Midjourney New “Style Tuner”- Advanced Tips and Usage

Learn How to Save and Reuse Your Style Code

Christie C.


Exciting News! Midjourney introduced an exciting new feature — the Style Tuner! This gives users more control over the “personality” and style of generated images. You can now train your own style!

The Style Tuner goes beyond just aesthetic elements like color and lighting. It influences Midjourney’s approach to details, textures, and the overall mood or vibe of generated images.

Today, I will teach you how to use this style tuner to explore new visuals and most importantly, save and reuse your style code easily!

Midjourney style tuner guide, a cup of surreal fancy coffee


Midjourney’s AI Art Generative Tool is a revolutionary and powerful AI program that unleashes your creativity and helps you generate beautiful visuals with the help of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Follow this beginner’s guide to Midjourney if you are just starting:

🎨 Style Tuner

Style Tuner allows you to personalize the appearance of your Midjourney images. It lets you customize and optimize Midjourney’s model to consistently generate images with colors, textures, character details and more to your liking.

/tune is only compatible with Midjourney V5.2
/tune is only available in Fast Mode.
--style created with the Style Tuner are compatible with --stylize <20–1000>

Today, I will share with you

  • Part One: How to Use Style Tuner
  • Part Two: Three Ways to Explore New Visuals
  • Part Three: Save and Reuse your Style Code

Part One: How to Use Style Tuner

Step 1: “/tune”

Create a Style Tuner page using the /tune command.

Midjourney Style Tuner guide

Step 2: Pick Base Styles and Mode

You’ll get to pick how many base styles (16/32/64/128) you want to be generated — more options mean higher GPU cost.

Click the Submit button to submit your job. You will need to confirm your submission.

Midjourney Style tuner usage

Step 3: Head over to your page

Once the Style Tuner finishes, you’ll receive a specialized URL. Visit the Style Tuner webpage.

Style tuner url

Step 4: Fine-tune the aesthetics

You will be shown a list of styles. Fine-tune your aesthetic by picking your favorites.

📌 It is recommended to pick your favorite 5–10 styles.

Your Style Tuner will show rows of image pairs, each representing a distinct visual direction. Click on the image you prefer in each pair.

Midjourney Style Tuner guide

You can also view the styles from a big grid and pick your favorite.

Midjourney Style tuner usage

Step 5: Use Your Style Code

After customizing your own style code, use it in your prompt like this “/imagine a cup of coffee --style code to make Midjourney adopt that style.

Midjourney Style tuner usage
Fancy coffee cup Midjourney Style tuner usage

Here are three more created with the same style code

A computer, A caravan and a headphone

Step 6: Multiple Styles with a Single Style Tuner

You can make tons of styles with a single-style tuner! Simply select a different set of preferred styles when fine-tuning your aesthetics and you can get a completely new style.

For example, these three styles are trained with the same style tuner and they are completely different.

Midjourney style tuner guide, a cup of surreal fancy coffee

✨ The images you choose in your Style Tuner can combine in unexpected and creative ways.

📌 Please note:

Styles are optimized for your prompt and may not always transfer as intended to other prompts (ie: a cat style may act unexpectedly for cities, but a cat style should transfer to a dog)

For example, the same style code may act unexpectedly on an animal like this example below:

Midjourney Style Tuner guide, a lion in fancy dreamy surrealistic style

Part Two: Three Ways to Explore New Visuals

Style Tuner is more than training one single model. Here are three ways to explore new looks and visuals.

1. Random Style

If you love surprises, try using --style random, Midjourney will give you a random style code every time.

Midjourney style tuner guide

This is a random style code Midjourney gave me “ 47yjVydFFTB6hY52” and here is the result I got. Pretty interesting, right?

Midjourney style tuner guide, a cup of coffee

This allows you to explore new styles. I found this style code great for the haunted scenes and used the code to create a haunted castle.

Midjourney style tuner guide, haunted castel

📌 Tip: --style random applies a random 32-base styles Style Tuner code to your prompt.

You can also use --style random-16, --style random-64 or --style random-128 to use random results from other lengths of tuners.

2. Combine Style

Codes can also be combined and customized via “--style code 1-code 2”. Use this to explore new styles.

See this example below.

Prompt: A cup of coffee --style vGMYJ0jeJLAyzhb-gDPC0ZM2xi3NS

Midjourney STyle Tuner — a cup of coffee

3. Style Tuner and --stylize

The --stylizeparameter adjusts the influence of the --style parameter on your generated images.

If you're not seeing the desired effect from your code, consider combining it with higher stylization values, like --stylize 250, or --stylize 500.

Example without using stylize parameter

Example of --stylize 250

Midjourney style tuner guide, a cup of surreal coffee

Example of --stylize 500

Midjourney style tuner guide, a cup of surreal coffee

As you can notice, there is a bigger difference when using --stylize 500

Part Three (Advanced): Save and Reuse Your Style Code

Since the code is a random combination of numbers and letters, it’s not easy to remember. Here are two ways to save and reuse your code

📌 Tip 1. Reuse Code with Sticky Style

Sticky Style will save the last --style parameter used in your personal suffix, so you don't have to repeat the code on future prompts.

Use the /settings command and turn on 📌Sticky Style.

When📌Sticky Style is turned on, you just need to type your prompt and it will automatically attach your style code at the end.

Change codes by using a new --style

📌 Tip 2. Save Code with Custom Option

Another way is to use custom options to store your favorite codes.

/prefer option set <name> <value> Creates a custom parameter that you can use to add multiple parameters to the end of prompts quickly.

/prefer option set <Name: Style> <Value: Style Code>

Next time you just need to type the “--Style Name” you set without needing to copy and paste every time.

/imagine prompt: A Christmas tree --surrealis interpreted as /imagine prompt: A Christmas tree--style 1fazQMbn0b1BP7QQ

Midjourney style tuner, christams tree surreal art

With these two tricks, you will never need to remember those long numbers!

Final Thoughts

Midjourney’s Style Tuner allows new levels of personalization and control. Style codes and prompts interact in complex ways. A code may have a strong effect on one prompt and a subtle effect on a similar prompt.

I recommend you have lots of experiments. It’s an enjoyable experience as well. I hope you found value in this article.

👉🏻 Digital Guide: Master Midjourney 🎨🚀

If you are looking for more ideas and advanced tips for generating captivating AI art with Midjourney, I have also created a “Master Midjourney: Beginner to Pro” digital guide for you guys.

It is perfect for both hobbyists and professionals, it distills expert techniques and hard-won wisdom into one powerful package.

It comes with:

  • 🎨 1,000+ expert prompts
  • 💡 Advanced Midjourney prompt writing, structure and core techniques
  • 🖼 Specialized guidance for graphic design, branding, logo, UI, photography, and more commercial uses
  • 🚀 Pro tips to recreate styles, make avatars, generate anime artwork, and more
  • 💰 AI Arts Monetisation Strategies
  • 💼 Top AI tools to edit Midjourney creations

I’ve poured my heart into creating this guide. I hope you enjoy it ❤️

Hi👋 I am Christie — a multimedia designer and Midjourney fanatic.😊

If you’re craving more insider tips, prompts and tricks for tools like Midjourney, I’d love for you to join me on this journey.

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💌 Stay tuned for future updates

Let’s explore the limitless possibilities of AI together. The future awaits. Let’s seize it! 🚀



🎨 AI Art Creator, Educator & Designer | 5 x Top Writer | Prompt, Tips & Turotial ❤️👉🏻 https://bit.ly/mastermidjourney