Importance of Design in human Life ,Good & Bad Design Principles & Examples.
Design is a beautiful Mixture of Science & Art, Our Ecosystem without design would be like ocean without fish in it..

Hello Folks in this article we are going to discover about Good and bad design. so first let me give a quick view about what is design?
What is Design
A design is a plan or specification for the construction of an object or system or for the implementation of an activity or process, or the result of that plan or specification in the form of a prototype, product or process. The verb to design expresses the process of developing a design. The design usually has to satisfy certain goals and constraints, may take into account aesthetic, functional, economic, or socio-political considerations, and is expected to interact with a certain environment.

Resource: google
Didn’t get it ? let me explain it simple words.
Design is everywhere around you from the coffee mug you take a sip in the morning to the bed you sleep at night. World would be like plan paper if design wouldn’t exist .Design is a mixture of art and science where creativity and science come together to give a beautiful design but art and design are different below is picture of mona lisa painting which is art made by an artist & second picture is of designer lamps which is a design by a designer.
Art is an expression and design has functionality
1.Art — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 2. Design

Resource: Google Images
So is every design is a good design?

What is good design and a bad design?
Good design is honest. It does not make a product more innovative, powerful or valuable than it really is. It does not attempt to manipulate the consumer with promises that cannot be kept. Good design is long-lasting. It avoids being fashionable and therefore never appears antiquated.
Bad Design is an alternative thinking tool that allows participants to reverse or defy the conventional design process to arrive at a favorable output, often termed as good design. In this article, we try and look at Bad Design fro
In 1976, Dieter Rams gave a speech in New York on his design work for Vitsoe. For Rams, his 10 principles for good design were a method of organizing his own thinking about what makes good design. Since then, they have influenced generations of designers, including Apple’s former design guru, pioneer and influencer of today’s smartphone design British designer Jonathan Ive. The iPhone calculator was considered a digital version of Rams’ Braun devices.
Both consumer products and technology have changed tremendously. Even aesthetics have changed considerably and many of Rams’ designs look old-fashioned for most of us, or trendy and “in” if you’re a fan of ’60s and ’70s designs. Despite all these changes around, the commandments remain valuable guidelines for anyone working in design and not only for industrial designers but also for you, user experience designer!
Dieter Rams: 10 Timeless Commandments for Good Design

want to see each of them in a little more detail? click on the link beloew to get a detailed view
Lets see some of the Good & Bad design
Bad design
1.Lapcare web camera

Resource : Phone Gallery
The main purpose of the web camera is stay at a fixed at a position and give a proper view to the user on call or any video purpose. But this web camera is designed is such a way that it cant be fixed to the desktop the clip of the web camera is useless it is foldable only up to 90 degree and recline on the top of desktop . the hinge provided is not designed to keep is a fixed position which is a bad design , direction of camera lens goes down wards and not towards the face of user .I have face multiple problems using this camera . This is a very bad design example
2. Face mask

Mask has played an important role in this hard times of pandemic almost every person uses mask for long time on daily basis to stay away from virus so the design of mask should be very comfortable for the user . but this mask as a thread elastic attached that goes on the ears , the tension created on the elastic cause pain on the ear after some time & its difficult to use this mask for a long time I have used this mask & experienced pain. Instead the elastic used must be flat as it would have spread over the ear causing less tension in one area. This mask is a very bad design according to me.
3. Gym locker handle

Resource : Phone Gallery
This locker in my gym is used my me everyday ,but everyday I face the same problem even the other gym members. we face problem to open the locker as the handle to open is very small & has no grip over it . we can see in the above picture how small the handle is as compared to my thumb and finger with no gripping over it . So yes this is a very bad design
4.Craigslist India

Resource : Phone Gallery
I came across this website while watching a youtuber George Janko he makes fun of his fellow cameraman about how he found him on craigslist . so I checked this website with an expectation so find a flat in mumbai but when I opened this website it was so badly design with same color and very boring and not so user friendly interface. a new person would not know what to do and how to do when he enters this website. This website doesn’t look like a website very bad design I came across
5.Ironing machine

Resource : Phone Gallery
I use this machine on daily basis it does its work but i face difficulty in setting its temperature for different types of cloth material , the temperature adjuster is located under the handle with very small space between handle and rotator hence we cant adjust it with our hands easily and some time fingers may burn as it tis very close to iron plate. Bad design
Good Design
1.Hair pin

Resource : Phone Gallery
This hair pin is used by me often it is very useful for guys with long hairs as we don’t want to waste time in setting our hair. This product is very cheap at a price of rs.10 everyone can afford it and it is long lasting and its unisex. So this product is a a very good design .
2.Removebg website

This website is used by me often it’s one the best designed website Icame across, very useful especially for designers .It helps to remove background of any picture with just one click, no need to signup or log in or subscribe for any membership just drag your picture and its done.
3. Extension Board

Resource : Phone Gallery
People use more devices at same time and in same place but the switch board often has few sockets & we face problems. The extension board is very useful here multiple switches can be inserted with balanced flow of current through it making it more easier to multitask . I have been using this board for long time its very helpful for me.
4. Amazon go store.

Amazon Go is a new kind of store featuring the world’s most advanced shopping technology. No lines, no checkout just grab and go. this store is the future of shopping without any staff and customer interaction customer can go buy whatever he wants and come out of the store without waiting to pay bills in long line. customer can scan through app and enter store when you pick up item you don’t need to scan each item, item is directly added to cart in the app and you can pay it later digitally once you come out of store. It uses computer vision, sensor fusion, and deep learning Technology.
To know more about the store click below
5. Roto Farm

Design is a beautiful Mixture of Science & Art, Our Ecosystem without design would be like ocean without fish in it..

Hello Folks in this article we are going to discover about Good and bad design. so first let me give a quick view about what is design?
What is Design
A design is a plan or specification for the construction of an object or system or for the implementation of an activity or process, or the result of that plan or specification in the form of a prototype, product or process. The verb to design expresses the process of developing a design. The design usually has to satisfy certain goals and constraints, may take into account aesthetic, functional, economic, or socio-political considerations, and is expected to interact with a certain environment.

Resource: google
Didn’t get it ? let me explain it simple words.
Design is everywhere around you from the coffee mug you take a sip in the morning to the bed you sleep at night. World would be like plan paper if design wouldn’t exist .Design is a mixture of art and science where creativity and science come together to give a beautiful design but art and design are different below is picture of mona lisa painting which is art made by an artist & second picture is of designer lamps which is a design by a designer.
Art is an expression and design has functionality
1.Art — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 2. Design

Resource: Google Images
So is every design is a good design?

What is good design and a bad design?
Good design is honest. It does not make a product more innovative, powerful or valuable than it really is. It does not attempt to manipulate the consumer with promises that cannot be kept. Good design is long-lasting. It avoids being fashionable and therefore never appears antiquated.
Bad Design is an alternative thinking tool that allows participants to reverse or defy the conventional design process to arrive at a favorable output, often termed as good design. In this article, we try and look at Bad Design fro
In 1976, Dieter Rams gave a speech in New York on his design work for Vitsoe. For Rams, his 10 principles for good design were a method of organizing his own thinking about what makes good design. Since then, they have influenced generations of designers, including Apple’s former design guru, pioneer and influencer of today’s smartphone design British designer Jonathan Ive. The iPhone calculator was considered a digital version of Rams’ Braun devices.
Both consumer products and technology have changed tremendously. Even aesthetics have changed considerably and many of Rams’ designs look old-fashioned for most of us, or trendy and “in” if you’re a fan of ’60s and ’70s designs. Despite all these changes around, the commandments remain valuable guidelines for anyone working in design and not only for industrial designers but also for you, user experience designer!
Dieter Rams: 10 Timeless Commandments for Good Design

want to see each of them in a little more detail? click on the link beloew to get a detailed view
Lets see some of the Good & Bad design
Bad design
1.Lapcare web camera

Resource : Phone Gallery
The main purpose of the web camera is stay at a fixed at a position and give a proper view to the user on call or any video purpose. But this web camera is designed is such a way that it cant be fixed to the desktop the clip of the web camera is useless it is foldable only up to 90 degree and recline on the top of desktop . the hinge provided is not designed to keep is a fixed position which is a bad design , direction of camera lens goes down wards and not towards the face of user .I have face multiple problems using this camera . This is a very bad design example
2. Face mask

Mask has played an important role in this hard times of pandemic almost every person uses mask for long time on daily basis to stay away from virus so the design of mask should be very comfortable for the user . but this mask as a thread elastic attached that goes on the ears , the tension created on the elastic cause pain on the ear after some time & its difficult to use this mask for a long time I have used this mask & experienced pain. Instead the elastic used must be flat as it would have spread over the ear causing less tension in one area. This mask is a very bad design according to me.
3. Gym locker handle

Resource : Phone Gallery
This locker in my gym is used my me everyday ,but everyday I face the same problem even the other gym members. we face problem to open the locker as the handle to open is very small & has no grip over it . we can see in the above picture how small the handle is as compared to my thumb and finger with no gripping over it . So yes this is a very bad design
4.Craigslist India

Resource : Phone Gallery
I came across this website while watching a youtuber George Janko he makes fun of his fellow cameraman about how he found him on craigslist . so I checked this website with an expectation so find a flat in mumbai but when I opened this website it was so badly design with same color and very boring and not so user friendly interface. a new person would not know what to do and how to do when he enters this website. This website doesn’t look like a website very bad design I came across
5.Ironing machine

Resource : Phone Gallery
I use this machine on daily basis it does work find but I face difficulty in handling it,setting its temperature for different types of cloth material , the temperature adjuster is located under the handle with very small space between handle and rotator hence we cant adjust it with our hands easily and some time fingers may burn as it tis very close to iron plate. Bad design
Good Design
1.Hair pin

Resource : Phone Gallery
This hair pin is used by me often it is very useful for guys with long hairs as we don’t want to waste time in setting our hair. This product is very cheap at a price of rs 10 everyone can afford it and it is long lasting and its unisex. So this product is a a very good design .
2.Removebg website

This website is used by me often it’s one the best designed website Icame across, very useful especially for designers .It helps to remove background of any picture with just one click, no need to signup or log in or subscribe for any membership just drag your picture and its done.
3. Extension Board

Resource : Phone Gallery
People use more devices at same time and in same place but the switch board often has few sockets & we face problems. The extension board is very useful here multiple switches can be inserted with balanced flow of current through it making it more easier to multitask . I have been using this board for long time its very helpful for me.
4. Amazon go store.

Amazon Go is a new kind of store featuring the world’s most advanced shopping technology. No lines, no checkout just grab and go. this store is the future of shopping without any staff and customer interaction customer can go buy whatever he wants and come out of the store without waiting to pay bills in long line. customer can scan through app and enter store when you pick up item you don’t need to scan each item, item is directly added to cart in the app and you can pay it later digitally once you come out of store. It uses computer vision, sensor fusion, and deep learning Technology.
To know more about the store click below
5. Roto Farm

Roto farm is the size of an oscillating fan, enclosed by aluminum and made of high-quality, recyclable materials. Using it, even city-bound people can have access to nearly five feet of growing area in a countertop footprint of 11 inches. That means that you can have fresh lettuce, mint, kale, or even marijuana on a daily basis. Growth is faster compared to other farming as this keeps on rotating and gravity does not not acts on the plants. It has an led light tube which is separated into four zones and can be adjusted independently controlled based on what we are growing through app gives balanced light emission for all types of veggies inside it for their growth and it acts according to sun rise and sunset . and the excess light emission doesn’t affect the surrounding as it has an acrylic cover over the glass which cuts 50 % light emission out, it also controls the humidity inside. The system also precisely controls the balance between water and nutrients that plants are exposed to. Roto farm is aesthetically appealing doesn’t look odd it has a very good design and functionality. so no more packed vegetables, grow your own and have it fresh.
To discover more about roto farm Watch this video:
Roto farm is the size of an oscillating fan, enclosed by aluminum and made of high-quality, recyclable materials. Using it, even city-bound people can have access to nearly five feet of growing area in a countertop footprint of 11 inches. That means that you can have fresh lettuce, mint, kale, or even marijuana on a daily basis. Growth is faster compared to other farming as this keeps on rotating and gravity does not not acts on the plants. It has an led light tube which is separated into four zones and can be adjusted independently controlled based on what we are growing through app gives balanced light emission for all types of veggies inside it for their growth and it acts according to sun rise and sunset . and the excess light emission doesn’t affect the surrounding as it has an acrylic cover over the glass which cuts 50 % light emission out, it also controls the humidity inside. The system also precisely controls the balance between water and nutrients that plants are exposed to. Roto farm is aesthetically appealing doesn’t look odd it has a very good design and functionality. so no more packed vegetables, grow your own and have it fresh.
To discover more about roto farm Watch this video: