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30 Second AI Solutions
How to use the Stock Image Synthesizer AI to reinvigorate stale content with fresh visuals
Say goodbye to image frustrations and hi to free images!
Picture this: you’ve found the perfect stock image but it’s on a paid site. You’ve already got subscriptions elsewhere and don’t want another one! What do you do? Settle for another pic? But you really loved that image…
Or perhaps it’s time to give an old article a makeover, or you’re sick of seeing the same old images everywhere (I’m looking at you, Unsplash).

Now, imagine if you could generate a similar, but original, new image in seconds, without the cost. That’s why I used Chat GPT to build the Stock Image Synthesizer — your new accomplice in digital image duplication! It’s also a great way to inspire images if you struggle to come up with prompts.
Picture perfect
Using Dalle-3 and ChatGPT, the Stock Image Synthesizer is designed to understand and interpret key elements of any uploaded image — style, subject, lighting, and more — and generate a similar but original image.
It uses image-to-image prompting (the first image is the input for the generated image). I often do this using Midjourney and…