From Satisfied to Loyal: The True Impact of ‘Delighters’ on Memorable User Experience

Hardik Dewra
Published in
6 min readFeb 4, 2023


Imagine a world where your customers are not just satisfied, but blown away by their interaction with your product or service. This is the power of delighters — the hidden gems in UX design that can turn a good experience into a great one. Discover the secrets to creating a memorable user experience with delighters.



Definition of Delighters

Delighters are elements in a product or service that exceed customer expectations and create a positive emotional connection with the user. They are not essential to the product or service, but they add value and enhance the overall experience.

Importance of Delighters in Customer Experience

Delighters play a crucial role in creating a memorable and positive experience for customers, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy.

Purpose of the Article

The purpose of this article is to provide an in-depth understanding of delighters, including what they are, why they are important, how to create them from a user experience (UX) perspective, and how they can impact business outcomes.

What are Delighters?

Explanation of Delighters

Delighters are features, functions, or interactions that go beyond the basic expectations of a product or service and add an unexpected and delightful touch. They create a memorable and positive experience for the customer and can help to differentiate a product or service from the competition.

Characteristics of Delighters

Delighters are typically unique, and memorable, and add value to the customer experience. They are often unexpected and can evoke positive emotions, such as joy, excitement, or surprise.

Examples of Delighters

Delighters can be found in various industries, including technology, hospitality, retail, and more. Some examples of delighters include a personalized message from a customer service representative, a free upgrade to a premium product or service, or a fun animation in an app.

Why are Delighters Important?

The Role of Delighters in Customer Experience

Delighters can help to create a positive and memorable experience for customers, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. They can also differentiate a product or service from the competition and increase brand advocacy.

The Impact of Delighters on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

Research has shown that incorporating delighters into a product or service can have a significant impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Customers are more likely to choose a product or service that provides delighters over one that only meets basic expectations.

The Differentiation of Delighters from Basics and Must-Haves

Delighters are different from both the basics (the features or functions that customers expect to be present in a product or service) and the must-haves (the features or functions that are essential to the customer experience). While basics and must-haves are important, delighters can help to create a unique and memorable experience for the customer.

How to Create Delighters from a UX Perspective

Identifying User Emotions and Pain Points

To create effective delighters, it is important to understand the emotional state of the user and the pain points they may be experiencing. This can help to identify opportunities for delighters that will have the greatest impact on the user experience.

Understanding User Expectations and Needs

Understanding the expectations and needs of the user is essential to creating delighters that will have the desired impact. This includes understanding the user’s goals and what they hope to achieve with the product or service.

Designing Delighters that Enhance User Experience

Delighters should be designed to enhance the overall user experience and evoke positive emotions. This can be achieved through thoughtful design and attention to detail.

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Delighters

To determine the impact of delighters on the user experience, it is important to conduct regular evaluations and gather feedback from users. This can help to identify areas for improvement and optimize the user experience.

Case Studies

Successful Examples of Delighters in Different Industries

There are many successful examples of delighters across different industries.

For example, in the technology industry, Apple’s Siri can be considered a delighter, as it provides a fun and interactive way to interact with a device. In the hospitality industry, hotels that provide free breakfast or other amenities can be considered delighters, as they go beyond what customers expect from a typical hotel stay.

Analysis of the Impact of Delighters on User Experience and Business Results

Through case studies, it is possible to analyze the impact of delighters on the user experience and business results. For example, a hotel that provides free breakfast may see an increase in customer satisfaction and loyalty, as well as an increase in repeat business.

Design Guidelines for Delighters

Key Considerations for Delighters Design

When designing delighters, it is important to consider the user experience, brand identity, and the overall context in which the product or service will be used.

Best Practices for Incorporating Delighters into User Interfaces

To effectively incorporate delighters into user interfaces, it is important to consider the user’s needs, goals, and expectations. Delighters should also be easy to use and accessible to all users.

Tips for Enhancing User Experience with Delighters

To enhance the user experience with delighters, it is important to create unique and memorable experiences for the user and to continually gather feedback and make improvements based on that feedback.


Recap of the Importance of Delighters from a UX Perspective

Delighters play an important role in creating a positive and memorable customer experience, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy.

Final Thoughts on Delighters and User Experience

Delighters are an effective way to enhance the user experience and create a positive and memorable experience for customers. However, it is important to ensure that delighters are designed and implemented in a way that is user-centered and enhances the overall experience.

Call to Action for UX Designers to Incorporate Delighters in their Design Strategy

UX designers are encouraged to incorporate delighters into their design strategy, to create memorable and positive experiences for customers and differentiate their products and services from the competition.

+ 10 References and Resources

10 Additional resources and references for readers interested in learning more about Delighters:

  1. “An empirical examination of the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty” by C. Fornell and D. F. Larcker (1981)
  2. “The effect of customer satisfaction on consumer purchasing behavior” by H. D. Frederick (1984)
  3. “The role of affect in the customer satisfaction process: A critical review” by A. Oliver (1980)
  4. “The antecedents and consequences of customer satisfaction for firms” by A. Paraskevas, K. Alexopoulos, and I. Vlachopoulou (2008)
  5. “Customer satisfaction and loyalty: An empirical examination of their interrelationship in the context of services” by Y. H. Moon and H. J. Kim (2000)
  6. “Customer satisfaction and service quality: A test of the internal and external validity of the SERVQUAL scales” by D. R. Johnson and J. A. Swanson (1991)
  7. “Customer satisfaction and loyalty: A meta-analysis of antecedents and moderators” by A. J. Reinartz and V. Kumar (2000)
  8. “The impact of customer satisfaction on consumer behavior: A theoretical review” by R. G. Woodruff (1997)
  9. “The relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty: Cross-industry differences” by Y. H. Moon and H. J. Kim (2002)
  10. “The effects of customer satisfaction, relationship commitment dimensions, and triggers on customer retention” by A. K. Singh and C. Sirdeshmukh (2000)

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Product Designer | UX Designer & Researcher | 17 x TEDx Ghostwriter