FAQ to a Game UX Designer
Some questions that I’ve seen junior UI & UX Designers ask about the Gaming industry & what you need to know as a UX Designer to get the job.
I’m a Game UX Designer at Creative Assembly and I made my first move into the video game industry as a UX Consultant at DICE, after being a UI & UX designer on Web and App products for some years. This list is a collection of questions I had before getting my first Game UX job, questions I’ve heard people ask at online-live events I’ve been at, as well as people messaging me these questions directly.
Questions & Answers
Do I need to know 3D?
Do I need to know Coding?
Do I need to know Unity or Unreal?
No (Not as a beginner to get a game industry job)
Do I need to be good at Drawing?
Do I need to have made a game to get a job at a games company?
Do I need to have game projects in my Portfolio?
How many designs should I have on my Portfolio as a junior UX?
3 is usually a good number. (to max 5 you want to highlight)
These should be your BEST 3 projects and show the skills you have in different areas for the job you want.
Don’t add more stuff just to fill out space. You don’t want to waste the employer’s time on unrelevant or the not-so-good designs.
If you want to learn more, I have written about this & a lot more tips here:
Should I just show the finished UI on my portfolio?
Just showing the pretty end result does NOT show how you got there or your UX skills. The employer wants to see that you can do all the steps needed in the job role of a UX Designer.
What do I need to show in my Portfolio to get a UX job?
Show that you know & have practiced KEY STEPS & SKILLS of UX Design.
This includes: Problem Statement, user tests+feedback, outcome, learnings, team structure, your role + responsibility, screen flows, user journey maps, mockups and different detailed states for the UI design.
Do I need a diploma from a UX Course to get a UX job?
Although, it can be nice to have done a official course for your own learning journey with structure & guidence.
But having a diploma is NOT NEEDED, nor is it a golden ticket to a job. Most companies and game studios don’t value a diploma higher than having ACTUAL good skills and being able to do the job well. But it can give you a
How did you become a UX Designer?
I went to the school Hyper Island in Stockholm. Doing a course called ‘Mobile Creative’. It was all about how to design for people, being creative in groups and discovering how to design for new (mobile) technology.

Are there any online UX Courses you recommend?
I have not done any online course myself so I don’t have any personal experience with them.
But here is a review from someone that took that Google UX Course:
The UX Design Institute courses also looks good: https://www.uxdesigninstitute.com/
Are there any online Game UX Courses you recommend?
Celia Hodent (formaly at Epic & doing UX design on Fortnight) has content on her page on Game Design and she offers courses!
There are more and more online courses on video game development popping up out there on the web!
Can I get a job if I am self-tought in UX/UI Design?
You do not need to go to a fancy expensive school. In my eyes, a school/course gives you time to focus on learning, guidence to what to learn and fun examples from design tasks/breifs.
If you can cultivate this by yourself, learn online, read design books, practice designing, show of your work to get feedback and take steps to get real freelance projects to practice, you can definetly become a UX or UI designer.
What Software do I need to know to be a UX Designer?
Figma, Adobe Xd, or Sketch. (They are very similar and easy to learn)
What are some other skills I should practice to work in video games?
Playing different games, study the UI & UX of popular games, ask yourself questions about how they guide players through the menus and through the gameplay, what are the similarities of some games, what are the differences and why do you think they did it in another way, what are some common layout or designs trends you can spot, what type of person is this game designed for? etc.
Are my Website/App UX or UI skills useful if I want to work in games?
The fundamentals of good UX and UI skills is not different when working on a game. The brian still works the same and clear design in a App is still clear design in Game UI.
Can I work on game type X even if I am not a big fan or haven’t played every game of that type?
You do not have to be the biggest fan of one genra of games to work on it! Ofc, you can be a fan primary of one type of game or genres. BUT, I suggest not putting yourself in a corner of ONLY watching or playing one type of game exclusivly. There are a lot of UX & UI learnings from different games. You also don’t want to limit your career options by only applying to work on one specific game or studio.
I applied to a job opening, but I didn’t get the job. What should I do now?
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket! To get into the video game industry, it might take many tries and applications to several studios. Learn from each applicatin. Update your portfolio to make it better to find content & easier to read. Write a really awesome cover letter!
Yes they read it, yes it matters a lot because it’s the best way to get to know you and it’s your opportunity to wow them and make them like you. Even when you have very little work experience!
It took me many applications and many interviews (both in Sweden and England) before I got the job I have now at Creative Assembly.

Thank you for reading! ❤️
I hope this FAQ list gave you some good information to help you in your UX or UI journey!
If I did NOT answer the quesion(s) you are wondering about, please ask them here so I can answer them for you!
or DM me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ichianna
I’m also on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anna-wikstrom-uxdesigner/
If you want more info & tips on how to get your first job as a designer, I have written all about it here: