Embarking on the Data Analytics Odyssey

Adam Mico
Published in
4 min readJul 23, 2023


A Synergistic Relationship with AI

Credit: Midjourney AI (my prompt)

As we progress into the digital age, data analytics' importance is becoming more evident. Looking back on my experiences as a professional in this field, I have noticed a significant change in the necessary skills to succeed. As someone on the autism spectrum, my most significant pivot has been transitioning from a solely task-focused mindset to a more holistic approach that prioritizes empathy and stakeholder engagement.

Charting my Course as a Data Storyteller

In my early stages as a data story weaver, the spotlight was majorly on mastering technical tools, with a relentless aim of producing exceptional dashboards and data-related embellishments. However, with the rise of a more versatile mindset, I watched my specialized tasks become increasingly automated. The impetus to diversify grows even stronger with the advent of generative AI.

Embracing this reality rather than resisting it, I saw an open window to reevaluate my competencies and morph to align with the industry’s evolutionary demands. It’s a common argument that the intrinsic worth of a data analyst or data communicator lies beyond the tasks they accomplish; it also encompasses their capability to interact, comprehend, and resonate with others, something AI hasn’t convincingly emulated yet.

Cultivating Empathy: A Personal Crusade

As an autistic individual, exhibiting general empathy isn’t my default setting. It necessitates considerable deliberation about its significance, and then actions follow. Transforming complex data into meaningful insights is merely a stepping stone; the subsequent leap involves lucidly conveying these insights to various audiences, differing in their perspectives and technical acumen.

My mission to master the craft of data storytelling commenced. The art of translating complex ideas into accessible narratives, an attribute previously underestimated by many in the data practitioner realm, became my forte. Often, the need arose to guide my audience through a dense story hidden behind apparent metrics, helping them grasp a deeper understanding of my stakeholders’ worries and viewpoints.

Though empathy doesn’t flow naturally from me, I’ve learned it’s a skill you can polish over time. Active listening and genuine engagement with others have granted me a better grasp of their perspectives and ideas, though it can be a challenge — there are days when I lack the energy or struggle to understand. Yet, maintaining an unwavering focus on refining my communication style and content has paved the way for effective decision-making in all organizations I’ve collaborated with since this shift.

As an individual with autism, general non-specified empathy doesn't come naturally to me. I have to think hard about why it matters and work from there. Translating complex data into meaningful insights is just the first step; effectively conveying these insights to various stakeholders with different perspectives and technical understanding is another task altogether.

My quest to become proficient in the art of data storytelling began. I became skilled at presenting intricate ideas in a relatable manner, a skill that was often undervalued in the past by many individual data practitioner contributors. I sometimes needed to lead my audience through the complex story concealed behind the obvious metrics to provide a more profound and contextual comprehension of my stakeholders, their anxieties, and their viewpoints.

Although empathy is not my most natural skill, I have learned that it can be developed and improved. I have better understood their perspectives and ideas by actively listening and genuinely engaging with others — it can be very difficult; sometimes, I am not in the mood or have the energy for it or have some difficulty understanding. Although always striving to improve, focusing on my communication style and content has helped facilitate effective decision-making within the organizations I've worked with since adopting the mindset.

Fortifying for a Future in Data Analytics

Looking back, I’ve grown by leaps and bounds by tweaking my approach and securing my professional trajectory in an industry perpetually reshaped by AI. Whether you’re an aspiring analyst, a student, or an established professional, remember that the future of data analytics demands more than technical prowess.

Fostering a spectrum of skills encompassing technical acumen and softer abilities is paramount. Soft skills, such as empathy, are indispensable. Maneuvering the human nuances of data analytics, fostering relationships, and instigating change offer an edge in this ever-evolving industry.

Having conquered personal hurdles, I have amassed a diverse skill set that enhanced my professional capabilities and bolstered my confidence in my future contribution. Let’s remember we carve our path for tomorrow by pivoting today. Let’s aim to expand our toolkits by synergizing our technical skills with a human-centric touch.

Adam Mico

Twitter | LinkedIn | Tableau Public

Note: My book, "Tableau Desktop Specialist Certification," is available for order here.



Data Visualization and Enablement Leader | Data Leadership Collaborative Advisory Board Member | Tableau Visionary + Ambassador | Views are my own