Designing for Emotion: The Power of Emotional Design in Creating Memorable Products

As human beings, we are naturally emotional creatures. We respond to things that make us feel happy, sad, angry, or excited. The same is true when it comes to product design.



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Emotions play a significant role in how we perceive and interact with the products we use. A well-designed product can evoke a strong emotional response from its users, creating a connection that makes it more memorable and impactful.

Think about a product which you used last time and just couldn't help but share about it with your friends and family.

  • What was so unique about that product?
  • Why do you prefer that product over others?
  • There may be other products which offer similar functionality

It’s not always about what the product does, it’s how the product makes you feel.

In this article, we’ll explore the importance of emotional design in product development and how designers can use some techniques to create products that evoke specific emotions in their users.

The Role of Emotions in Product Design

When we interact with a product, we don’t just evaluate its functionality. We also assess how it makes us feel. This emotional response is often subconscious, but it can have a significant impact on our overall experience with the product.

If a product makes us feel frustrated, annoyed, or bored, we are less likely to use it again, and we may even develop negative feelings towards the brand that created it.

On the other hand, if a product makes us feel happy, satisfied, or even delighted, we are more likely to use it again and recommend it to others. This emotional connection can lead to brand loyalty and a positive reputation for the company.

Creating Emotional Design: Tips and Techniques

First of all the product should provide value to its users. In other words it should be functional and should be solving a problem. Then we can start thinking about the emotional aspect of the product.

Some design basics to keep in mind

Understand your target audience:

Understand the emotions of your target audience.

What motivates them?

What are their pain points?

What do they find visually appealing?

Use color to set the mood:

Color has a powerful effect on our emotions. Warm colors like red, orange, and yellow can create feelings of excitement and energy, while cool colors like blue and green can be calming and soothing.

Select Typography that reflects your brand’s personality:

Typography is more than just a way to communicate information. It can also convey emotions and personality. Choose fonts that reflect your brand’s voice and tone, whether it’s playful, serious, or sophisticated.

I talk about how typography can make or break your design in this article

Use imagery to tell a story:

Images can be a powerful tool for evoking emotions and telling a story. Choose visuals that align with your brand and your message.

For example, if you’re selling a product that promotes relaxation, use images of peaceful landscapes or tranquil settings to create a sense of calm.

Let’s look at the few drivers of great emotional design:

Instagram is a prime example of a platform that uses emotional design to create a strong emotional connection with its users. Here are some ways that Instagram leverages emotional design:

Visual appeal

Instagram uses a clean layout that is easy to navigate and visually appealing. The brilliant use of colors, typography and white space gives a clutter free minimalistic look which is visually appealing.

Your designs should be absolutely stunning. People do judge a book by its cover.

Your designs may not be as polished when you start designing but keep on bettering your visual designs while also keeping factors like usability, functionality, and content in mind.


Story feature of instagram allow users to share short-lived glimpses into their lives . This gives user the ability to share their experiences in real-time and they can share their not so perfect pictures which disappears in 24 hours, creating a sense of authenticity and connection.

  • Narrative-driven user journeys: By creating a narrative around the user journey, designers can help users understand the product or service in a more meaningful way.
  • Interactive storytelling: This can include interactive videos, games, or other experiences. Designers can create interactive experiences to engage users with the product in a more immersive way.
  • Brand storytelling: Incorporating the brand’s story into the product or service can help users connect with the brand on a deeper level. This approach can help create a more emotional connection with the product or service, making it more memorable and shareable.

Social Validation

Instagram’s likes and comment feature provide users with social validation, creating a positive emotional response. This feedback loop reinforces positive behavior, encouraging users to continue to engage with the platform and each other.

  • Collaborative filtering: Using collaborative filtering algorithms can help show users products or services that are popular among people with similar preferences.
  • User-generated content: Encouraging users to generate their own content, such as reviews, photos, and videos, can help increase social validation and create a sense of community around the product or service.


Instagram’s algorithm curates content based on the user’s interests, creating a personalized experience that connects with users emotionally. By providing content that resonates with the user, Instagram creates a more positive emotional response.

  • User-controlled personalization: Instead of relying on algorithms, designers can give users more control over their personalization preferences. For example, allowing users to customize their own interface or choose the type of content they want to see.
  • Emotional personalization: Designers can create experiences that are tailored to the user’s emotions. For example, using color psychology to create a calming or energizing experience based on the user’s mood.

Personality and tone

One way Instagram incorporates personality and tone is through its language and messaging. The platform uses friendly and conversational language throughout its interface, from the sign-up process to notifications and error messages. This creates a sense of approachability and ease-of-use for new and existing users.

Incorporating a unique personality and tone into the design can help create an emotional connection with the user. For example, using humor or playful language in error messages or using a consistent tone throughout the product.


Designing for emotion is not just about creating a visually appealing product. It’s about creating a product that connects with users on an emotional level, evoking positive emotions that lead to a deeper relationship with the brand. By using the above techniques designers can create products that evoke the right emotions in their users, leading to a more positive overall experience.

Do you want products which can build a deeper connection with your audience? Let’s get in touch.

I am a Product designer you can reach out to me on these other platforms:

Linkedin | Instagram | Twitter | Behance

