Coursera Google UX Design Certification: Worth It or Not?

So, you’re considering taking the Google UX Bootcamp. But is it worth it? This blog post will look at the program’s pros and cons as observed by a full-time UX designer who completed the entire course, me. :) Hopefully, this post will help you make up your mind.
What Is It?
The Google UX Bootcamp is a 12-week intensive program covering all user experience design aspects. The course is geared towards people with little to no experience in UX design and promises to teach you everything you need to know to get started in the field.
The program comprises four modules: researching, designing, prototyping, and testing. Each module includes lectures, readings, assignments, and quizzes. At the end of the course, you’ll have a portfolio of three projects to show off to potential employers; 2 mobile apps and 1 website.
The Pros
Undoubtedly, a Google certification will look good on your resume. If you’re looking to work at a top-tier tech company, having “Google Certified” next to your name will definitely help you stand out from the crowd. It helped me land my first full-time position as a User Experience designer. The Bootcamp itself is also comprehensive, covering everything from the basics of UX design to more advanced concepts.
It was not that expensive. A Coursera membership is about $40-$50 per month, and the course will take between 3–6 months. So, it will cost you about $120-$300. That is an excellent price for the foundation it helps you build.
The Cons
Before signing up for the program, remember that the course is self-paced, which means you could potentially finish it in a couple of weeks — or never finish it.
It does not cover “how” to design stuff. You are going to need to have your own creative flair. Because you will be grading others’ designs, you will have an insight into your fellow students. Lemme just say, in full transparency, Woah. Some real hack jobs are trying to get “certified” for some half-ass work.
So, Is It Worth It?
So, is the Google UX Bootcamp worth it? Ultimately, that decision is up to you. Suppose you’re serious about becoming a UX designer, and you can commit the time and money required for the program. In that case, it may be worth considering. However, if you’re not sure that design is the right career path for you, or if you can’t commit to 12 weeks of full-time study, then it may be better to explore other options.