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Choosing Between rem and px Units in Product Design

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4 min readSep 17, 2023


When it comes to web development and product design, the choice between using rem or px units for defining sizes and dimensions plays a crucial role in determining the overall user experience and design flexibility. In this article, we will explore the characteristics, use cases, and examples of when to opt for either rem or px units.

PX Vs. REM and overview

Understanding rem (Root EM) Units

rem units are relative to the font size of the root element, which is typically set in the <html> or <body> tag. Here are some key aspects to consider:

Scalability and Responsiveness

One of the most significant advantages of rem units is their scalability and responsiveness. Since they are relative to the root font size, they adapt seamlessly to changes in this value. This makes them ideal for creating flexible and responsive designs that look good across various screen sizes and user preferences.

Use Case 1: Typography Scaling

Let’s say you want to create a website with responsive typography. You can set the base font size for the entire document using rem and then scale other font sizes relative to this base.

/* Setting the base font size */
body {
font-size: 16px;

/* Scaling typography */
h1 {
font-size: 2rem; /* 32px (2 * 16px) on a 16px base */

p {
font-size: 1.5rem; /* 24px (1.5 * 16px) on a 16px base */

In this example, rem units ensure that the heading and paragraph font sizes scale proportionally to the base font size, providing a consistent and readable experience on different devices.

Accessibility and Adaptability

rem units also contribute to better accessibility because they respond to changes in user settings, such as increased font size preferences. When users zoom in or adjust their browser's font size, elements styled with rem units automatically adjust accordingly.

Use Case 2: Responsive Layouts

For responsive layouts that need to adapt to varying screen sizes, rem units are invaluable. Let's consider a navigation menu with padding that should change proportionally as the font size increases.

/* Responsive navigation menu */
.nav-menu {
padding: 1rem; /* Padded with 16px on a 16px base font size */

/* Adjusted for larger font size */
@media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
.nav-menu {
padding: 1.5rem; /* Padded with 24px on a 16px base font size */

Here, rem units ensure that the padding scales gracefully with changes in font size, enhancing both readability and usability.

Exploring px (Pixels) Units

In contrast to rem, px units are absolute and do not respond to changes in the root font size or user preferences. Here's when and why you might choose px units:

Precision and Consistency

px units provide precise control over element sizes and dimensions. This makes them suitable for situations where you need to maintain a fixed size, regardless of other factors.

Use Case 1: Fixed Borders and Shadows

Imagine you have a design that requires a button with a fixed-width border and a consistent shadow size.

Imagine you have a design that requires a button with a fixed-width border and a consistent shadow size.

/* Fixed button border and shadow */
.button {
width: 120px; /* Fixed width of 120 pixels */
border: 2px solid #000; /* 2-pixel border */
box-shadow: 3px 3px 5px #888; /* Consistent shadow dimensions */

In this case, using px units ensure that the button maintains its specific width, border thickness, and shadow size, delivering a consistent visual appearance.

Situations Requiring Absolute Sizing

Certain design elements, such as icons or images, may need to retain their exact dimensions for alignment or aesthetic reasons.

Use Case 2: Fixed Image Sizes

Suppose you are working on an e-commerce website where product images should have consistent dimensions.

/* Fixed product image dimensions */
.product-image {
width: 150px; /* Fixed width of 150 pixels */
height: 150px; /* Fixed height of 150 pixels */

Using px units here ensures that the product images remain uniform in size, aligning neatly with the product listings.

Striking a Balance

In practice, the choice between rem and px units often involves a careful balance. It's common to use both units within a project, leveraging the strengths of each based on specific design requirements. Responsive design techniques, such as media queries and fluid layouts, can complement the use of rem units to create versatile and adaptable designs.

For example, you might use rem units for typography, margins, and padding to achieve scalability and responsiveness. Simultaneously, you can use px units for precise control over elements that need to maintain fixed dimensions or maintain consistency.

Remember that the ultimate decision should align with your design goals and the unique needs of your project. Whether you choose rem, px, or a combination of both, the goal remains the same: creating a compelling and user-friendly product design that caters to a diverse range of users and devices.




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