7 things to do in 2023
From a UX writer's perspective
1 — Think about your mental health
And I'm not just saying to go to a therapist (that I wish everyone would have access to it). I'm saying to remember to have a break, go for a walk, go to the cinema… I don't know, be creative and do something for yourself.
My point is: you are not your work!
2 — Laugh, it's the best medicine
Laughter strengthens your immune system, boosts mood, diminishes pain, and protects you from the damaging effects of stress.
Laughter enhances your intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles, and increases the endorphins that are released by your brain. Activate and relieve your stress response.
Studies have shown that smiling releases endorphins, other natural painkillers, and serotonin. Together, these brain chemicals make us feel good from head to toe. Not only do they elevate your mood, but they also relax your body and reduce physical pain.
It's a win-win situation.
3 — Take a course
And it doesn't need to be a writing one, it can be about anything.
I was studying and working on a house plant project a few months ago. It's a subject that I naturally love talking about, I have a few species at my apartment and I can prove it. There, I learned about plants' vocabulary, how plants' parents behave and their motivation.
It was in-loco research while having fun and exchanging seeds and seedlings.
Of course, as a bonus, I learned new words and new gardening techniques.

4 — Read a novel
or a fiction, or a self-help book… read!
And learn about others' tone of voice, style and formatting. So you can start creating your own style.
One simple example, but no simple writer: José de Sousa Saramago, Nobel prize in literature.
'He used periods sparingly, choosing instead a loose flow of clauses joined by commas. In his novel Blindness, Saramago completely abandons the use of proper nouns, instead referring to characters simply by some unique characteristic, an example of his style reflecting the recurring themes of identity and meaning found throughout his work.' (Quoted in: Eberstadt, Fernanda (26 August 2007). “The Unexpected Fantasist”. The New York Times. Retrieved 14 August 2009.)

5 — Eat healthily and drink water
Is it truly important? Massively!
We need to take care of our body health as we take care of our mental health. They walk together, holding hands, like soulmates that will never die.
6 — Spend time with your family and friends
They are your safe place.
They can be that escape mechanism when things are difficult and you don't want to talk about work stuff.
Keep them close, they are our support and we are theirs.
7 — Try not to create too many perspectives or too many expectations

We that work in the tech business try to foresee some changes or tendencies, but let's be fair, it's almost impossible.
I only know that I know nothing, Socrates:
In early 2022 NFTs, AI, Metaverse, AR or VR were in the headlines. High hopes for it.
Again, at the beginning of the year, everyone was hiring everyone. Now companies need to reduce costs and they are reviewing policies and benefits instead of cutting off the whole team.
We ended on a different and less energizing note. Faith is not the same, it’s shrinking, and the metaverse has not delivered what we were expecting, a revolution.
For the next year, we are expecting more challenges without losing human connections, we expect to have more empathy and love.
Hope will be a good year for most people. And we'll try to go with the flow.
And of course, this was playful. But to keep track, what would you add to this list?