4 Signs That Tell You When Not To Quit Your Design Job

Finding an amazing job is hard. Deciding to quit one is even harder. Here are four tips that tell you when NOT to quit your design job.

Swati Soni


Photo by Tim Mossholder from Pexels

In the past thirteen years of my experience, I have interviewed many designers. One of the questions I always ask is — “Why do you want to quit your current job?” Now there are several answers I have heard. Some are not happy and looking for a switch. Some are happy but looking for more financial growth. And some are happy with everything but looking forward to what we have to offer. Both in terms of role and financial growth.

But I have always felt that the decision to quit from a good place should NOT be purely driven by these two factors. You see, the UI/UX industry is a booming field. It has been so for a decade and it is projected to be so for many more years to come. If you are in the right geography, plenty of opportunities is already waiting for you. Finding a job is not as difficult as finding the right job. And even more difficult is deciding whether to quit your already perfect one.

If you are someone on the verge to make a similar decision, here are four signs that tell you when NOT to quit.

When your company has a healthy design culture

By definition, design is our ability to think, solve and collaborate. Culture is a more fascinating term and can be considered as the sum total of the values each person brings to a community. So what is design culture?

While the term might have different interpretations for different people, for me it boils down to how we act when we build products in our organisation?

There is a universal theme to the word “Design Culture”. Inclusivity, purpose-driven, ambitious, innovative, collaborative, encouraging, no egos involved and so much more.

Photo by RF._.studio from Pexels

Imagine a company where design gets full recognition and where leaders play an active role to ensure that their culture encompasses this universal theme. There is relentless optimism in the organisation as a whole to drive and inspire the right solution that resonates with the end-users. Now imagine yourself at the centre of it. If it is not too hard to imagine, then you are at the right place. And if your company is showing signs of growth and expansion, then you are at the right place at the right time. Don’t quit.

When you have the autonomy to make decisions

If you are someone who has worked with different product teams, you must have had a taste of different forms of “people” management. In some teams, your every move is dictated by a higher authority and often you end up feeling like a puppet. In others, there is a more relaxed or should I say “dull” approach. So much so that you lose all your enthusiasm toward building that product.

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

And yet there are some, where you look forward to going office every day. There is flexibility around work and your peers are willing to bet on the decisions you make. Studies show that your performance is at its peak when you are part of such a team. There is an intrinsic motivation to perform better and reach your full potential. If this resonates with you, Don’t quit.

When your manager is truly invested in your growth

There is a famous saying — “People don’t quit the job. They quit their bosses.”

If you have got a horrible manager within a great organisation, it is understandable why you would want to quit. But how do you differentiate between a horrible, an average or the best manager?

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

A good manager is visibly invested in their team. They not only work towards streamlining project delivery and communication, but they also prioritise mentorship and recognition for their team members. What that means is they focus on upscaling their team through training, 1:1 discussions and design review sessions. They also make sure you get recognised for your contributions to the team and the project in front of everyone. Rather than micromanage everything, they delegate. They might not be good with words but their actions speak volumes about their commitment to their team. If you are working under someone like this, Don’t Quit.

When you are already working on exciting projects

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

The design industry is continuously evolving. There was a time when we were battling with different screen sizes. There is a time now when we talk about AI, ML, Voice Input, Metaverse and what not. It is quite evident you need to train yourself for what is coming next. And the best way to train yourself is by working on actual projects, understanding real-time use cases and dealing with real-world challenges. If your company is focused on such projects and you know there is a lot to learn here, Don’t Quit.

Parting words

A good raise or an exciting role might sound lucrative. But remember that every career move will bring its own set of opportunities and challenges. If you are ready to take that on, go ahead. But if you are not quite sure, always reconsider.



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Sr. Lead - Product Design @Emids | Love to write about product design and share career advice with young designers. To know more, visit www.swatisoni.com