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17 free to download sans serif fonts that you might never heard of
I have always been interested and inspired with good font design ever since I studied Graphic Design back in college. Whether is a design for print or for digital, a good typeface plays a vital role in communicating the right mood and message. In the modern design world, designers can easily get accessed to great free sans serif fonts like Inter, Roboto and Noto Sans. I constantly in the hunt for nice fonts, here I will share with you some free-to-download sans serif fonts that you might never heard of.
These selected sans serif fonts are beautifully designed, but however generally less known by many. Please note that while the title said is free to download, the fonts have varied licensing where some are open-sourced that can be used for commercial projects, while some are only free for trials or personal use only. Therefore please look out for this details when browsing through!

Hasköy is a variable sans-serif typeface family with powerful opentype feature. Comes with 8 fixed weights and looks great as UI and tabular font. It has latin-extended language support, stylistic alternates, fractions, tabular figures, arrows and more.
Designer: Ertekinno
License: SIL Open Font License 1.1

A modern sans-serif collection inspired by a clean, simple and neutral style. The family provides a wide range of weights and stylistic alternatives that can be mixed to create strong branding. It supports variable and also fixed font weight up to a whopping 20 weights.
Designer: Ivo Dolenc
License: SIL Open Font License 1.1